Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cinnamon Burst Cheerios

Cereal Reviewed: Cinnamon Burst Cheerios

Reviewer: MJB, a Cereaous Blogger

Taste: 3.5

There are quite a few flavored cheerios varieties on the market right now but so far these are my favorite. Although chocolate cheerios are a close second with a burst of cocoa goodness, the taste is too similar to your average cocoa puffs or krispies to really excite the seasoned consumer.  Cinnamon burst cheerios, however, provide the cereal connoisseur with a subtle mixture of both sweet and spice. There is a honey undertone, not unlike that of honey nut cheerios, but it is accompanied by a delightful cinnamon sugar coating.  The overall flavor is something like that of snickerdoodle cookies.  The downside to this cereal is that, smilar to the cinnamon quaker oatmeal squares, the intensity of the flavor does lessen with the addition of milk.  I find this to be the case with most of the flavored cheerio varieties, especially peanut butter cheerios which become disappointingly bland in milk.  However, for cheerios fans who already have an appreciation for their classic doughnut shape and oaty crunch, the cinnamon burst are a welcome addition to the cheerios family.

Healthiness: 4.5
This cereal is an excellent choice for those looking for a sweet cereal that is also low in calories.  At only 110 calories per 1 cup serving, cinnamon burst cheerios are a great option for those watching their waistline. They are also made with whole grain and have 11% of your recommended daily fiber intake.  This stands in contrast to some other sweet cereals on the market that do not have the added health benefits of cheerios. Additionally, although sugar is listed as the second ingredient the amount of sugar per serving is relatively low at 9 grams.  Honestly, for how tasty this cereal is that’s not bad at all.

Texture (dry): 3
This cereal is crunchy but not extremely so.  Which can be a good thing- it depends on what you’re looking for. Overall, the texture is nice but not over-the-top interesting.

Texture (with milk): 4
When eaten with milk the o’s do gradually become slightly soggy but not immediately, and if you eat at a normal pace you should be able to still enjoy a bit of crunch all the way to the bottom of the bowl.

First Impressions: 4
I like the appearance of this cereal box.  The colors work perfectly for a cinnamon cereal and I like the large image of the o’s on the spoon.  It makes me want to have a big spoonful myself.  It is also nice that Cheerios highlights the health benefits of this cereal right on the front of the box.  When you are walking down the cereal aisle and considering all of the delicious options the fact that this cereal had whole grain as a first ingredient could put it ahead of another that I am considering. There is something about the design of this box that is warm and welcoming, I think it is in part the images of the cinnamon sticks that bring up memories of the holidays and sitting cuddled on the couch under a fluffy blanket with a bowl of cereal on a cold winter night.

Other Areas of Interest
Best complemented by dairy milk, soymilk, or almond milk.  This is the sort of cereal which is really too small to be a great dry snacking cereal but it is perfect in a bowl with milk.  Its small size is also perfect for really loading up your spoon because you can fit quite a few o’s in one bite.  I think this cereal would also be awesome on top of ice cream.  Maybe vanilla ice cream with baked apples and some cinnamon cheerios on top? Um, yes please.

Best eaten as a light breakfast or evening snack.

Best eaten by someone who is trying looking for a relatively healthy, sweet cereal and who is already a fan of the classic Cheerio but wants to spice things up a bit.

Overall Rating

Cereaously Good: This is a solid cereal choice.  It provides just the right amount of sweetness and it’s nice and light.  Cheerios are a classic that never goes out of style. That being said, I also have yet to find a flavor that makes me want to eat the entire box, a good thing for regular, daily cereal eating.