Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quaker Oatmeal Squares (Cinnamon)

Reviewer: CLF, a Cereaous Blogger

Taste: 3.5
Sometimes the taste of cinnamon can be overpowering, but I think Quaker has found a nice balance here. There is a clear hint of cinnamon, but it is just that- a hint. I'm not trying to do the cinnamon challenge at breakfast, so kudos to Quaker for moderation. I have noticed though that if I'm snacking on this after eating something very sugary, I tend to miss the subtle flavors going on in this cereal (and other Oatmeal Square varieties). The problem I have with this cereal's taste is when I add milk to it. The cinnamon flavor seems to come off the squares, but this doesn't create a delicious cinnamon-y milk as you might think- so where does the flavor go?! It's a mystery. Overall, a good taste, but a much better taste when dry.

Healthiness: 3.5
This cereal clocks in at 210 calories per 1 cup serving. It does contain 5g of fiber (20% of your recommended daily value) and 6g of protein, which are good things to consider, especially if you're looking for this to be your 1st meal of the day. This cereal is also very high in iron (90%) and folic acid (100%), which I suppose makes it good for anemic people and pregnant women... It does have 44g of carbohydrates (15%), so maybe people on the Atkins diet shouldn't eat it. A last big concern people usually have with cereals is the sugar content, and Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares has 9g. This sounds high (and it may be) but I think that is pretty middle of the road for flavored cereals. The first two ingredients listed are whole oat flour and whole wheat flour, followed by brown sugar and sugar. Overall, this probably isn't going to be the cereal you choose if you're looking to overhaul your diet and become a health freak, but it doesn't seem to be a bad choice for the average cereal consumer.

Texture (dry): 5
I love this cereal without milk. It is really solid and crunchy, which makes my brain think I'm eating more than I am. Something I tend to look for in a cereal is a good crunch, and this has it.

Texture (with milk): 4
I added unsweetened organic almond milk to this cereal. The crunchy texture holds up wonderfully, which is a huge plus. I have rarely had to eat soggy Oatmeal Squares. For instance, I have been writing this blog post for several minutes while eating the cereal and I have yet to come across a mushy square. They do get progressively softer around the edges, which is good because otherwise I think this cereal could rough up the roof of your mouth a bit.

First Impressions: 3.5
 Looking at the outside of the box, I am interested in eating Cinnamon Oatmeal Squares. Its a clean design (they updated their packaging earlier this year), I like the lowercase lettering, the colors are appropriate for the cereal and not obnoxiously bright, the heart design is cute, and the bowl of cereal looks full to the brim and delicious.
However, once I open the box and look inside, at first glance I am not dying to eat the cereal. The squares tend to look a little bland, probably largely due to a lack of overt sugar crystals or frosted coating as many other cereals have. When I pour a few out, though, the shape, size, and lined pattern of the squares start to interest me. I love bite-size pieces and this square looks perfect for snacking. The formation of the relatively thick layered lines makes me think the cereal is going to be crunchy and hearty, a definite plus.
Other Areas of Interest
Best complemented by other bite-size items (chocolate, nuts, pretzels, etc.) as part of a trail mix or peanut butter (one idea is to put a spoonful of peanut butter on the bottom of your empty cereal bowl, then pour the cereal on top, followed by the milk. With each bite of cereal, try to get a little peanut butter on your spoon for a lovely taste/texture combination).

Best eaten as a snack.

Best eaten by someone who is not interested in those super sugary kids cereals and wants to feel a little more grown up, without completely losing all sweetness.

Overall Rating
Cereaously Good: I like this cereal. I would keep this as a regular in my regimen, but as a snacking cereal, not a daily morning bowl kind.

Disclaimer: All views expressed in this blog are solely the bloggers', who are neither nutritionists or licensed cereal testers. Don't be mad if you get fat from eating cereal, don't like one we positively reviewed, or just cereaously hate our writing.

Milk: Total Amateur Move

It’s probably the first thing you reach for after you pour yourself some cheerios but I have one word for you, boringggg!  You have to think outside of the bowl here.  By sticking to the old milk standby you are missing out on the true potential of your cereal to be not just a one-dimensional breakfast food, but a gourmet meal. 

Now the concept of cereal without milk may be shocking to some of you, so we’ll take this slow.  Choosing the perfect cereal condiment should be like selecting a fine wine. One must take into consideration flavor (a very sweet cereal is balanced with the addition of something salty or savory), texture (crunchiness pairs nicely with smooth textures such as yogurt, ice cream, or peanut butter), and size and shape of the cereal grain, cluster, or puff (cereals comprised of very small pieces are best mixed with a base and eaten with a spoon while cereals comprised of larger pieces can be easily dipped or snacked on with other dry components).  Below is a list of our favorite additions to your bowl that will cereaously take your cereal eating experience to the next level.

Soy or flavored milks: The next step up from plain old dairy milk. Subtle flavor variations can bring out the taste and complexity of even the most basic of cereals.

Suggestion: original Special K and chocolate or vanilla soy milk

Yogurt: A great milk alternative. Yogurt will satisfy those who enjoy the classic combination of cereal and dairy while at the same time providing an interesting texture and more substantive meal for the very hungry cereal eater. The addition of fruit to your yogurt and cereal not only ramps up the flavor but also the nutrition.
Suggestion: Vanilla or strawberry Greek yogurt, granola clusters, sliced bananas.

Peanut Butter, cream cheese, cool whip (the “dips”): Perfect for the snack or dessert cereal and those cereals with pieces large enough to eat without a spoon. Dips are best consumed in moderation, but let’s be honest, it’s cereal we’re talking about here, who eats it in moderation?
Suggestion: Frosted Mini Wheats and honey walnut cream cheese

Pretzels, nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips (the “trail mix”): Although cereal easily stands on it’s own as the perfect handful of snacking heaven, with the addition of other dry elements you can take an awesome snack to a cereaously amazing one.  Think customized trail mix here.  If you love the combination of sweet and salty consider eating your favorite sweet cereal with pretzels or nuts or, for those with a cereaous sweet tooth, chocolate chips or candy along with a crunchy cereal instantly makes for a decadent treat.
Suggestion: pretzels, craisins, and Cracklin’ Oat Bran

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Cereaous Rating System

This is exactly what it appears to be: a product review blog dedicated to cereals. As such, we need certain criteria to look at for each entry. That's where the Cereaous Rating System comes in:

Areas to be Judged (5 point scale)

Taste: How delicious/disgusting is this cereal?
Healthiness: How good/bad for me is this cereal?
Texture (dry): How is the crunchiness/chewiness/etc. of this cereal without milk?
Texture (with milk): How does the crunchiness/chewiness/etc. of this cereal hold up with the addition of milk?
First Impressions: How much do I want to eat this cereal just by looking at it/its box/commercials for it/etc.?

Other Areas of Interest

Best complemented by _____________ (peanut butter, cream cheese, cool whip, fruit, etc.).
Best eaten as _____________ (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack).
Best eaten by someone who is _____________ (boring, starving, awesome, etc.).

Overall Ratings
Cereaously Amazing
Cereaously Good
Cereaously Okay
Cereaously Bad
Cereaously Terrible

As we review more cereals, the rating system could change to accommodate for new/different categories that may become necessary. We'll keep you 'Post'ed :)